
Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Family drama-lama-ding-dong

Thanksgiving.  Too much turkey.  Too much dessert.  Too much family drama.
This is a bit of a digression from my usual topic but as it is so freshly burned into my mind I thought I would share.  Lucky you.  We had made it through one family dinner with minor incident and since this was D's, my darling hubby, family I thought we were good.  Well, I was sure wrong.  My family decided it needed to win the drama of the month award.  I come from a family of women.  Meaning that I have three sisters and we have 5 daughters.  No boys.  That's a lot of hormones swirling in one place at one time.  And swirl they did on Thanksgiving.  Like a vortex of black tar.   So sticky that one touch traps you and pulls you in.  Then it started to splatter.  Everyone got hit including the kids.  Not one was spared.  Some people left.  Some people stayed.  Food was served.  Wine was poured.  And drunk.  
Thankfully, (well, it is the season, you know) we are a family of avoiders.  No one will say anything to anybody and eventually it will blow over.  It always does.  This one was particularly ugly so it might take longer.  Also thankful that Canadian Thanksgiving is earlier than American Thanksgiving.  It gives us a few extra weeks to recover before Christmas.  Tho' I'm not sure it's going to be long enough.  
I'm going to spare you the whole story but it was about meatballs.  Seriously, meatballs.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

You've got mail

Came home today with presents on my front step.  Oh. oh. ooooh.  A little bit of that anxious went away. Not as good as being there to be handed the boxes but close.  Yes, still good.  Before you go all disappointed in me let me tell you what it was.  Nothing really fun.  Grey ski pants and boots for Chick1 and a pair of legging for Chick2.  I wouldn't have bought the legging except that shipping was $8 unless I spent $8 more dollars.  The leggings were, basically, free and she needs pants.  A wee bit of a high, still.  
I wonder why we never seem to outgrow the excitement of something coming in the mail.  I love to watch my girls when their monthly magazine comes.  It is always utter joy.  My mom sends valentines cards in the mail to all her grandchildren because she understands the thrill.  You would think after 15 years of getting my own mail that it might not have the same magic for me.  Wrongo.  Everyday I check the mail immediately after the postal carrier comes.  Everyday.  I'm always disappointed when we don't get anything.  I'm also disappointed when all that is in there is a bill.  I've been known to leave a bill sitting in my mailbox for a week until I get something worth pulling everything out.  Yes, I just might be certifiable.  

Irreconcilable differences

I took a small step forward today.  I got rid of a really big toy that was taking up space in my basement.  Do you know Butterscotch the horse?  If not, feel lucky.  Butterscotch is an animatronic horse the size of a Shetland pony.  It makes noises, responds to your voice and is all round kinda creepy.  Well, Butterscotch has been looking a little worse for wear lately.  Her ears and tail had fallen off, her fur was rubbed off in many spots and she didn't really work anymore.  Actually, I think her neck was broken.  So I put her out to pasture today.  Which is a really nice way of saying she's gone to the dump.  I wonder how long it will be before the kids realize she is missing?  They did still play with her once in a while.  I wonder if Maple will wonder where she has gone?  Who's Maple you ask?  Maple is the other horse the size of a slightly smaller Shetland pony.  Yes, we have (HAD!) two horses.  Thankfully, Maple doesn't make any noises and she is in much better shape so she gets to stay, for now.  
You might think that it's not really a big deal that I threw out a broken toy.  But it is.  This  horse was a gift for Chick1 from my parents and sister and it was really expensive.  So I have extreme guilt over this.  How could I just throw out such an expensive gift?  I AM glad that I did get rid of the toy but I am still reconciling my feelings.  It seems to me that it just might be irreconcilable. 

Monday, 3 October 2011


I'm not a great sleeper at the best of times but when I have an idea, plan, problem it is much worse.  The other night I was awake most of the night as my brain reeled with what I wanted/needed to do.  It's funny how revelations come about.  Mine were like a chain reaction. My first and initial reaction to my children fighting was that they have no idea how good they have it.  Next, they are spoiled, then, they have too much stuff, and lastly, I buy too much stuff.  My whole plan was to unspoil them so they have a better understanding of what it means to have something.  But in mulling this over in my head I realize that this is less of a lesson for them than it is for me.  This is really and truly my problem, not theirs.  As much as the hunt is a high the realization that I need to stop is like bitter medicine...difficult to swallow.  
I'm flawed.  Well, at least, I've never claimed that I wasn't.  Actually, I know many of my flaws.  Some I love, some I hate but I accept them all as my own.  I just never realized that shopping was one.  Really.  I have always prided myself on being thrifty.  I don't spend a lot on myself.  I always look for the very best deal for everything.  How is this a problem?  How could this possibly be a problem?  Well, it's not.  But when it becomes buying for the sake of the good deal that the problem arises.  That is the BIG revelation for me.